9.45 AM – We will meet in the lobby of Hotel Europa and we will be driven to the temple of Hagar Qim (ha-jah-een). Located on a hilltop overlooking the sea, this sacred temple is one of the best-preserved temples in Malta.
The rich honey coloured and decorated limestone temple is truly inspiring and was encoded and programmed to release ultrasound as Maria will reveal. Dated to c3600 to 3200, I suggest that the long skulled priestess-hood, astronomers and geomancers, constructed Hagar Qim.
The archaeologist, Mariija Gimbutas, suggests that these inner temples are womb spaces of the Great Goddess and interestingly, we shall see how the energy patterns and lines are invariably feminine but relate to a masculine yang line can be seen as a phallic energy, a fertility line of potent force. The earth energies of this temple offer transformation, knowledge and growth…
Encoded into the temple’s artwork is the key to an earth energy pattern representing the Tree of Knowledge or the Tree of Life and I will show you over 60 years of dowsing research into this incredible symbolic association. Encounter the Earth Dragon Earth energy that rises out of the ground, is known by some Chinese geomant families as the Rising Serpent or Dragon – is a powerful force that fills the site with unseen energy. We will locate this area within the temple space. A pulse point of the dragon…
Megalithic Energy of Hagar Qim Certain stones produce a phenomenon called concentric circles or shells, which I discovered are intimately related to SOUND HEALING, which we will explore in detail.
Mnajdra (mna-ee-dra) Temple of the Goddess touched by the Sun
After a relaxing lunch, we will visit the golden temple of Mnajdra.
To most ancient cultures, the feminine number Three represents the New, Full and Old Moon as the Triple Goddess of Maiden, Mother and Crone (Grandmother, wise woman). We can see this symbolism first hand at the Mnajdra complex. Walking around this site, which has upper and lower floors stirs the emotions. Mnajdra consists of three conjoined temples which overlook an oval forecourt. This sacred power place has unique earth energies such as – Earth Vortex Energy that a European Master Dowser taught me how to recognise and interpret.